Thursday, December 6, 2012

What is Unique Article Wizard?

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Maybe you've heard of the Unique Article Wizard as you have been making progress in your SEO endeavors? Unique Article Wizard is pretty much exactly how it sounds. It is a software system hosted online that allows you to obtain unique content at the click of a mouse, and it also submit this unique content to hundreds of directories (trickled daily).

How Does The Unique Article Wizard Help With SEO and Free Traffic?

Unique Article Wizard
So how do you know this content is unique? It is 100% original because you have actually written it yourself! The way it works is that you write three unique articles for one UAW project. These articles all have the same paragraph structure, and they are essentially three articles that are written about the same exact thing (just with different words and sentences). The UAW software then "spins" these articles together (where it swaps out paragraphs), and then it submits this to article directories on a daily basis.

You receive your daily submission report in your email inbox. If there is an issue with the article submission, you will also be notified via email. This means that if there are too many spelling/grammatical errors, if your URLs are not formatted properly, or if your content is not unique enough! There are also human reviewers that check the validity of the articles produced the the Unique Article Wizard before they are submitted to the directories. This ensures that only high quality, unique, properly formatted content is syndicated.

So how exactly does this help with SEO? This is incredibly powerful. With every article, you can include a resource box that has your backlinks in it. Everyone in SEO knows that backlinks are what power the rankings of your site in the search engines. You can also include YouTube videos in your articles with a link. The best part is that all of your backlinks are highly contextual. The search engine web crawlers actually go and "read" the article to see to what niche or topic it applies. If they find your article relevant to the website to which you have linked, you will get credit for it!

Not only will you get MUCH better search engine rankings, you will also get a huge free traffic boost because of human visitors that read your articles and check out your links.

Stay tuned because we will have a video coming up that shows exactly how the Unique Article Wizard works!

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